Best Sec 3 Mathematics Tutor 🇸🇬

Dear Secondary 3 Students, many students play the catch up game in Secondary 4 because they feel they have time, resulting in a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety before O level Math exams.

But if we start early in Secondary 3, that's two subject off your shoulder (E Math & A Math). We believe Math is the easiest subject to score in O Levels.

When you join us, we'll make scoring Math easy for you. We have a suite of support & math resources such as exam papers, cheatsheet, carefully curated notes to support you at every step of the way.

Let's make your upper secondary life a pleasant and fruitful one.

Paradigm Math School 37

Book Your Math Tuition Today

Make Math Your Strength, Not Your Struggle

Scoring well in Sec 3 is important

This is how we help you score an A using the Paradigm Method

Sec 3 Bukit View Secondary WA 1 - 33/35 marks
Sec 3 Bukit View Secondary WA 1 - 33/35 marks
Sec 3 Manjusri Secondary School WA1 -  39/40 markls
Sec 3 Manjusri Secondary School WA1 - 39/40 markls

What you will receive as a student

Never have to buy another assessment book

Sec 3-4 E Math resources Paradigm

Note: For A Math students, you will be receiving A Math resources

90% of our students score A & B

Beating National Average Since 2016


Single Subject

$350 / 4 lessons
  • E-Math OR A-Math
  • Weekly lesson
  • Paradigm Student Portal
  • Student resource pack
  • Exam crash courses
  • Student mastermind
  • EAE & DSA coaching
  • Round the clock WhatsApp support
Save $100/mth

Double Subject

$600 / 8 lessons
  • Both E-Math AND A-Math
  • Weekly lesson
  • Paradigm Student Portal
  • Student resource pack
  • Exam crash courses
  • Student mastermind
  • EAE & DSA coaching
  • Round the clock WhatsApp support

Materials & Registration Fee

  • No Deposit
  • Annual Material Fee: $100
  • Registration Fee: $50

2025 Class Schedule

Secondary 3 E Math

Level When
Novena Sec 3 (NA) Thu - 5.30 to 7.30 pm
Novena Sec 3 Sat - 9.30 to 11.30 am
Novena Sec 3 E Sun - 2 to 4 pm
Online Sec 3 E Wed - 5 to 7 pm
Online Sec 3 E Fri - 4 to 6 pm
Online Sec 3 E Sun - 9 to 11 am

Secondary 3 A Math

Level When
Novena Sec 3 A Sat - 11.30 to 1.30 pm
Online Sec 3 A Wed - 8 to 10 pm
Online Sec 3 A Sun - 11 to 1 pm

Don't see a timeslot that fits? Drop us a Whatsapp below:)

That's why We Believe we can help you

Mr Dylan Principal Paradigm Math

What to Expect During Lesson

Our Sec 3 E Math lessons & Sec 3 A Math lessons are designed to align fully with the MOE Math syllabus. Our goal is to provide you with an advantage during exams by exposing you to appropriate questions for each topic.

Our strong support system is the reason why so many of our students experience massive improvements, scoring As in their exams, and some even exceed their own expectations to become top performers in their classes and overall cohort.

Proven Track Record


Students taught


MOE Schools


Achieve Distinction

Master these Sec 3 Topics

We'll start with building a strong foundation in Algebra, making sure E Math Algebra is easy for you.

Thereafter, we'll dive into tougher topics like Surds, Exponential, Logarithms and polynomials.

Our students typically ACE the topics here & realised that A Maths is not that tough!

We've dive into the world of lines, curves and circles, where Coordinate Geometry & Plane Geometry are explored.

Visualising this may be challenging for some students, but fear not, we will guide you to develop skills to vividly picture them.

With our guidance, you will gain ability to master and ACE these topics!

A Math Trigonometry is tough as Graphs, Further Trigonometry comes into the picture. We will spend however long it takes to make sure you fully master this!

Once you have cleared Trigonometry, we are just left with one final theme!

We'll introduce you to differentiation and integration, which are key topics in calculus. We have made comprehensive summary sheets, analysed past year exam questions so this complex topic can be make simple for you.

As we approach final stretch, completing these topics will prepare you thoroughly for your Prelim Exams.

Math is the easiest to get A1. I have created Sec 3 E Math exam paper & Sec 3 A Math exam paper to assess your current standard, try it out.

Book Your Math Tuition Today

Make Math Your Strength, Not Your Struggle

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